Fix gears of war non running problem how to make gears of war work on windows 7 in 10 steps 1: full install the game 2: get the latest patch 3: install the patch 4: get a no cd patch (stops it asking for correct disk) Link Removed - Invalid URL 5: on your pc go to th game directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Gears of War\Binaries 6: select the file startup.exe and delete it 7: copy your new downloaded exe to the directory to replace it 8: right click startup.exe and use co mpatability selecting windows 95 (lol YES windows 95 ) 9: right click the file WarGame-G4WLive.exe use compatability and this time select the windows xp option 10: run the game from startup.exe or your games folder in start and enjoy, works 100% for me was amazed i even got it to work oh if your game sticks on exit just press escape this also works with virtual drives installed the patch works for gears on any windows but it will still ask for the correct disk happy gaming!!